Cute and Adorable Bears wearing the SAF No.4 Uniforms for Army
Jockey Cap / Berets are inclusive.
Currently have Jockey Cap, Jungle Hat, Berets (Black, Green, Maroon, Khaki)
If you require a name tag (6 characters max, inclusive of spacing), kindly fill in the field.
NOTE: For nametag additional 10-15 working days to be ready to ship (subject to delay during peak period)
Please note that orders with multiple items will only be dispatched when the customized items are ready.
If you like to receive your other item fast, please order them separately. Additional charges apply for any further arrangement for separate delivery.
If you want to order 2 or more bears with different names, please order each bear seperately in order to capture the different names
NOTE: Do note that physical product colors might differ due to different batch of materials and depending on the calibration of your screen.
Do note that every batch of stock will look slightly different from the photo.